Monday, April 18, 2011

Weekend Recap

It's Easter week!  I always love the sense of anticipation this week leading up to Easter Sunday.  It's always the the most exciting day in church for us as believers in Jesus.  We serve a God who is NOT dead, but surely ALIVE!  What a privilege and opportunity we have.

A little about yesterday...

  • The Band was awesome...great set of worship songs, the drums sounded great...can't wait for next week!
  • The new back lighting on stage was very cool and well done...thanks Billy!
  • The size of the crowd was surprisingly healthy...I had heard from so many regular families that were traveling for Spring Break that I was starting to go into a mini-depression before Sunday...but it actually was like an average Sunday.  Great to see 3 new families as well!
  • Another $2,000 was given for the Next Step fund which puts us over $31K given so far, around $270K committed.  Praise God for the increase!
  • We wrapped up the Evangelism series talking about 6 Evangelistic styles.  Here's a link to a "test" you can take to help figure out your style.  The message audio and video will be online later today if you missed it.
Personally, I really missed my wife and 3 youngest kids...they went up to MD/PA for Sherri's grandmother's 85th birthday.  It was odd doing church at LCC without them.  Glad they had a safe trip and got home last night.  LCC is truly a family thing for us and it was fun to recap together last night...we were only apart for about 30 hours and had so much catching up to do :-)

I'm heading into staff meeting at 9 am.  I'm blessed to work side by side in ministry with 2 great young men.  We will be putting a lot of focus on making sure all is set for EASTER Sunday!  I'm looking forward to a great week.  

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