Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Sunday Recap

What an incredible Easter Sunday at Life Community Church.  Easter is always a great day, but 2011 was truly one of the greatest days in the history of our church.  God moved in a great way and I'm so thankful on this Monday morning for what He did.
  • At least 15 people prayed to receive Jesus into their life.  This is the best part by far and why we do what we proclaim the resurrected Jesus!
  • We set our new worship attendance record...first time over 300 with 317 people in attendance!  It was a great feeling to see the big school auditorium filled up.  This is how it should be every week!
  • The worship band was amazing...they always do great, but yesterday was especially good!  Always great to have the violin in there as well.
  • A HUGE THANKS to our nursery and preschool staff serving behind the scenes, giving up the service to take care of the precious kids.  Thanks for the sacrifice you made to make yesterday possible!
  • A special thanks to Jason and Ashley Bell for providing an incredible spread of homemade goodies for before the service.  It was tremendous!  See the picture below.
  •  The kids enjoyed an Easter Egg hunt out on the baseball field with over 1,000 eggs filled with candy and other prizes.  Thanks Jeff & Nicole for a job well done!

I was able to spend the rest of the day with family and friends...a delicious Easter dinner.  Truly grateful for all God had done at LCC and in my life.

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