Thursday, April 7, 2011

Next Step Shout Out

The NEXT STEP campaign has been an exciting new adventure for our church.  For the first time in our 9 years, we have spent some time focusing on raising funds for our future.  Admittedly, it's not a comfortable thing for me.  I want to keep my focus and my attention on work of the ministry - the teaching, the outreach, the caring, the leading, etc.  In today's economic climate, most pastors would agree that they don't want to nor do they enjoy asking their congregation to be giving more.  Nevertheless, we have pressed forward and God is blessing tremendously.

This Sunday I will be announcing our total amount given or pledged so far to our 3-year campaign.  I am blown away by the generosity of our people.  I can't wait to share the great news!  To read more about the Next Step - click here.

Also, I want to give a shout out here to the great team of people who are part of making the Next Step happen.  Thank you to Scott, Lisa, Jan, Ed, Dwayne, Randy, Josh, Wayne & JoAnn, Tom and others who have contributed to the efforts.  Thanks for coming to all of those meetings and for giving of yourselves.  There's much more work yet to be done, but we are on our way.  God is blessing and He has that future facility for LCC already figured out!

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