Monday, April 11, 2011

Weekend Recap

I actually love Mondays.  I know that sounds odd.  Most people dread them.  For me, it's a time to reflect and celebrate what God did on Sunday, meet with staff, and then chart out the course for the upcoming weeks and months ahead.  I get into the planning and admin side of things, so yep Mondays are fine with me.

My weekend recap post will usually be a bunch of bullet points like this...

  • I'm thankful for generous giving people of LCC.  Our Next Step campaign is off to a great start.  3-year pledges are at about $230K now, plus we have already received approximately $50K in donations and property.  Our goal is $600K, so we are close to 50% there in terms of commitments.  God is going to provide exactly what we need to get into a permanent home in His perfect time.  Keep praying!
  • We had a 2.5 hour staff meeting this morning.  Great stuff...
    • Reviewing the service and details from Sunday
    • Making plans for Easter Sunday
    • Discussing the prayer request for people in the church having surgeries and other issues
    • Making plans to fix the York Drive sign that is slightly broken
    • Lots of time reviewing the calendar's some highlights:
      • 4.24.11 - Easter Sunday
      • 4.30.11 - LCC's day to serve meals at SERVE homeless shelter
      • 5.1.11 - Baptisms & start of Q & A series
      • 5.8.11 - Mother's Day - we have a new creative idea to honor the moms & Baby Dedication
      • 5.15.11 - Next Step Celebration Lunch after service
  • The last hour of our meeting was sifting through the 36 questions that were submitted for our May series.  Wow...some really good questions...I've got my work cut out for me!  We grouped them together as logically as possible.  I will probably just answer a few on the blog here because they don't fit with the rest.  The LCC website will soon have a page with the question line-up.
  • It's great to have first time guests every week, but even better to have 2nd time guests!  I love to see people show up the second week in a row...always a good sign.
  • It seems like we are in another wave of people getting into church later and later again...I wonder if it's time for me to make another sarcastic pointed remark...that seemed to help last year.  Does the Spring weather make people later?  By the way we still start at 10:30 am :-)
  • Speaking of weather...I want more of today!  Beautiful!
  • If you are a regular at LCC, be thinking about doing your part in EVANGELISM.  Did you receive yesterday's message?  Who are you inviting for Easter Sunday?  Point people to

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