Saturday, April 9, 2011

Jesus Will Save Us

Sitting at the breakfast table this morning with my 2-year old Nic and my 14-year old Tori...and during our conversation, the refrigerator makes a noise which is the ice maker dropping a load of ice.  Nic says, "What's that?"  I reply, "It's the refrigerator monster coming to eat us."  (because I just can't give an easy straight answer and I am anxious to see a 2-year old reaction)  Nic's reply, "Don't worry, Jesus will save us."  Of course it caught Tori and me off guard and made us laugh.  Nic was serious.  At 2 years old, he's already learned enough to know that Jesus is mighty enough to save us from the fridge!  I am thankful for our awesome workers and teachers at LCC in our toddler class who teach our 2-year olds the stories from the Bible.  I was also reminded of that verse that we've all memorized at LCC over the past 6 weeks:

2 Timothy 1:7 - "For God has not given us a spirit of FEAR, but of power, of love and of a sound mind."

No matter what you are facing today...Jesus can save you!

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