Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Q & A Series is Set

We just recorded a video promo for the upcoming Q & A Series.  It's in the editing phase now...I'm sure Josh will create a masterpiece for this series that starts the week after Easter.

Here is the line-up of questions.  There were a few submitted that didn't fit that I will attempt to answer on my blog.

Sunday, May 1st - QUESTIONS ABOUT GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY:  Does God preselect people to go to heaven or do they have a free will to choose?  Why would God harden Pharoah’s heart?   Should we try to convert hard-hearted people?  Why would God instruct the Israelites to kill innocent women and children of opposing nations?  Why doesn’t God protect innocent children from abuse, molestation, and starvation?  If everything is already predetermined, then why pray for a particular outcome?

Sunday, May 8th - QUESTIONS ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS: How are we supposed to deal with annoying people?  How should Christians deal with public schools teaching our kids evolution? Does the Bible really consider sex before marriage sinful?  How can I tell if my marriage is built on counterfeit love?  What is my spouse has a different level of belief in God?

Sunday, May 15th – QUESTIONS ABOUT THE CHURCH, GOD’S WILL & CHRISTIAN LIVING: How do we know what God wants us to do in certain situations? How did God call you to start a church?  Are Paul’s views in the New Testament about women serving in the church still applicable today?  Why do pastors talk about tithing (10%) to the church when that was only applied in the Old Testament to Jews?  What does the Bible say about Christians serving outside the church?  Should Christians be involved in politics?

Sunday, May 22nd - QUESTIONS ABOUT ANGELS, SATAN & THE FUTURE:  What does the Bible teach about angels and demons?  Did God create Satan…why?  If God is all powerful, why would he not destroy Satan?  When is Christ returning?  What is the judgment day going to look like?  Are Christians now exempt from any type of judgment?

Sunday, May 29th – MISHMASH QUESTIONS: How long did God wait before He created anything?  How can I articulate the Gospel in a simple manner? How can God forgive a murderer? How did all the races come about? What makes a bad word a bad word?  What is the Christian view of things such as dinosaurs that seem to suggest an old earth?  Is sola scriptura biblically based? What actions are considered blasphemy? What happens to someone who commits suicide?  How long should a person grieve? 

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