Wednesday, April 6, 2011

There's no PLAN B

I'm starting a new 2-week message series this Sunday at LCC entitled, EVANGELISM: Plain & Simple.  When Jesus left this world, he assigned us with the task of telling others the Good News about the grace of God.  I love the way Paul speaks of his life mission in Acts 20:24:

"But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God."

There is no PLAN's our duty to share the message of Christ.  Why don't we do it?  For this week's message here are the list of reasons (or excuses) I've come up with so far...sound about right?  Any others I should add?

1.       It’s out of my comfort zone.
2.       I’m afraid of questions people might ask.
3.       I don’t want to offend people.
4.       It’s not my gift, therefore not my responsibility
5.       I don’t think people are really interested.
6.       I don’t really care that much about it…kind of apathetic.

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