Monday, June 13, 2011

Weekend Review

An amazing weekend for our family...watching our son graduate from high school on Saturday was a surreal experience.  It seemed like it all happened so fast...the time just flew by.  In reflection, I can say that I feel extremely blessed and have no regrets.  I know I was far from a perfect dad, but I am so thankful for all the incredible times that we had through Zac's childhood - all of his teams that I was able to coach, all the great family vacations, all the holiday gatherings, and even the ability to share the church planting experience as a family.  I am also so thankful for all the family, friends, coaches, teachers, etc that made a positive impact on Zac's life.  We are looking forward to what the future holds for him.

We experienced a great day Sunday at Life Community Church.  God's presence was definitely there in the service.

  • 2 individuals prayed to receive Jesus as Savior in the service!
  • 2 new first-time families
  • Awesome time of fellowship and coffee before the service - thanks to the Bells for the great food!  I loved the peanut butter cake :-)
  • Several people told me how timely the message was for their if you missed it, you can listen or watch the message on our website (or iTunes).

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