Thursday, June 9, 2011

Riding the Waves...this Sunday!

Life comes at us in WAVES...the ups and downs, the ins and outs, the highs and lows.  How do we handle the waves?  Do we focus on our circumstances and our surroundings or do we focus on God?  Do we panic in fear and have an emotional overreaction or do we relax knowing God is in complete control?

This Sunday, June 12th, I am sharing a message entitled, Riding the Waves of Life.  We'll be looking at the story of Jesus and the disciples on the waves.  Check out Matthew 8 if you want to read ahead.

This is a time of year when many of us are going through changes with the end of another school year.  For us personally, we are watching our oldest graduate on Saturday and dealing with the WAVES of emotion and change.  It's all good and part of God's plan.  Be there Sunday!

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