Monday, June 6, 2011

Weekend Recap

We had a great Monday morning staff meeting.  Always fun to recap Sunday, discussing the highs and lows and the in-betweens of the weekend.  It was a busy weekend for sure for me with a wedding in the mix, but God was good and His presence was felt in our service.

We honored our graduating seniors in the service.  We had 11 seniors participating and I've just got to give them props for being such an awesome group of young adults with bright futures ahead.  We have 2 heading to West Point, 2 to Virginia Tech, 2 to Liberty, 3 to NVCC, 1 to UNC-Wilmington, and 1 to Belmont.  Please pray for them and their families as most graduate this coming week.  I know my wife and I are feeling the emotion of our first kid just doesn't seem possible already!

This past Sunday we concluded our Q&A series at LCC.  I know many learned a lot and hopefully we did a good job of answering as many questions as possible.  As I said often throughout the series, we are just scratching the surface on most questions in the do some deeper digging on your own!  For me personally, it has been a challenging series...especially in delivery, because the messages don't have the normal, comfortable flow.  Yep, I'm looking forward to getting back into my normal style this week!

It was great to have 2 new families this Sunday...once again that road sign at the corner of York Drive and PW Parkway is making an impact - both families came because of that sign.

I gave a challenge at the end of the message series to remember that it's not about just gaining knowledge about the Bible, but it's about living it out in our lives.  We need to remember our purposes!  

  • Reaching Up in Worship of God
  • Reaching In through Relationships in Small Groups and Serving
  • Reaching Out by sharing our faith in our communities
Here's a little tidbit of advice about personal worship.  I said yesterday that worship is more than the 20 minutes of music we sing together with the band.  It's also our personal time of prayer, praise, Bible reading, meditating that needs to happen daily in our lives.  Another aspect of personal worship which will enhance your Sunday experience is listening to some worship songs during the week.  Did you know that Josh posts the song lists and artists each week on our website?  Click here.  I encourage you to buy those songs online,  download them to your iPod and make a "worship" playlist...and watch how God uses that in your life!  (Yes, I'm talking from personal experience!)

Want to read ahead for this Sunday's message...check out Matthew 8:23-27.

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