Monday, May 2, 2011

Weekend Review

We had a great post-Easter weekend at Life Community Church.

Here's a quick recap (working backwards):

  • The high school life group gathered here at the church office Sunday night to resume their study of the book by Frances Chan - CRAZY LOVE.  I appreciate the investment of Jeff & Nicole Keeny into our students.  It's awesome to hear about high school students talking about Jesus for an hour!
  • The service concluded yesterday with 2 baptisms - John Quezada and Anthony Johnson.   John came to the Lord a few years ago in Iraq and God led he and his wife Liz and son Evan to LCC last year.  They are actively serving the Lord here now and John was excited to make his profession of faith publicly!  Anthony is one our middle school teens that Jeff is impacting for  Jesus.  It was cool for Jeff (our next generation pastor) to perform his first baptism yesterday.
  • We tackled the first Q&A message yesterday...heavy stuff.  I was in teacher-mode and we covered a lot of material...thanks for paying attention and taking notes!  If you missed it,check it out on our website.
  • I appreciate Josh and the band leading us in worship yesterday - great to add another new band member...Rick on the bass!
  • Yesterday was Josh Einwechter's 5th anniversary of being on fulltime staff with LCC as our worship leader.  Wow...time flies!  I remember when I met him as his youth pastor in 1996 and he was in 8th grade :-)
  • Great to have 4 new families visiting for the first time!  2 came via our Road sign and 2 came via internet search.  Thanks for the volunteers who stepped up to fix the road sign which was damaged in last week's storms.
  • On Saturday Ed & Jane Rotchford led 2 groups of LCC people in providing meals at the SERVE homeless shelter in Manassas.  We provided lunch and dinner for about 20-30 residents at this shelter. A special thanks to all who served and provided food!
  • On Friday night, our co-ed softball team kicked off the season by splitting a double-header against First Baptist of Woodbridge.  Not a bad start considering we've moved up a division from last year.  It was a lot of fun to get our there...Let's go LCC!  
I'm looking forward to a fun week of preparing another Q&A message and getting ready for our Mother's Day service.  We've got a little surprise giveaway in the service this Sunday for one special mom.  All moms in attendance will be eligible to plan to bring your mom this Sunday!

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