Monday, May 16, 2011

Weekend Recap

I'm thankful for another great weekend.  It was a busy, fun-filled momentous weekend, both personally and for our church. Here are the highlights...

  • We had our NEXT STEP Celebration Event after the service on Sunday.  We devoured a lot of Papa John's pizza and delicious cake and cupcakes provided by Jason & Ashley Bell.  Thanks to Tom Einwechter for coordinating the event.
  • The campaign just launched a month ago and we have already received over $58K in designated offerings...this is almost 10% of our $600K goal.  Thanks to everyone for giving sacrificially!
  • We had a great worship service before the luncheon.  The band sounded great...I appreciate how they deliver each and every week.  
  • The auditorium was freezing...for some reason the school had the A/C cranked way's better than being hot and sweaty...and for me preaching on stage, it felt great!  It's one of those things we have no control over unfortunately.
  • Someone told me they like and preferred my lower voice yesterday...that would be my "sinus-infection voice"...well, I'm just thankful I made it through the message without hacking up any mucus :-)  I'm always amazed how God gives me strength and focus to preach when I'm not feeling up to it's not about me!  It's about His word being proclaimed!
  • Great crowd yesterday too!  Good to see some new faces and some old ones back that I haven't seen in awhile.
Personally, we had our oldest having his Senior Prom on Friday night.  The emotions are starting to build as his time with us is winding down.  Sherri and I are feeling it!  Senior Prom, then Senior night on the baseball field this week, then Senior Awards assembly, then Graduation, then dropping his off at college in August.  It's going to be an emotional couple of months!

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