Monday, May 9, 2011

Weekend in Review

I  hope everyone had a fantastic weekend.  I hope every mom out there was treated really well by her kids!  I wish I could have done more for my wife and my mother...they are both incredible and deserve so much!  My wife had to miss church Sunday to stay home with our sick toddler...sounds like a day of mom being mom :-)

We had a great Sunday service at LCC...

  • Great turnout!    
  • The Baby-Parent Dedication ceremony was great.  Congratulations to the families who participated and dedicated their little ones to God.  
  • Congratulations to Gwen Adams who won the gift basket in the service.  She is a mother of 5 kids ranging from age 22-28...I am sure she deserved the basket of goodies!
  • Special thanks to Sherry Feehs, our women's ministry director, for preparing the gift bags for all the moms present yesterday...what an awesome, thoughtful gift!
  • Thanks to all of our kids workers yesterday.  The preschool added several new kids was a good day!
  • I'm enjoying teaching the Q & A series.  It's definitely a different format for me, but I'm liking it and appreciating the opportunity to answer the questions people are asking from a biblical perspective.  From what I'm hearing, God is using it to speak to people.  If you miss any messages, they are available online by Tuesday in audio or video format.  (on our website or iTunes podcast)
  • It was great to have 3 families that visited last Sunday back again for a 2nd straight week...very cool.
  • And it was cool to meet 2 more first time families!
Busy week ahead...looking forward to what God has in store!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to Daniel too for fixing handle on outdoor sign. (1 down and 1 to go)
