Sunday, September 4, 2011

The LOOP at Sycamore Creek

The Loop
Keeping you in the Loop at SCC


 Labor Day Parade…
Join us on Monday, September 5th as SCC participates in the Pickerington Labor Day parade.  The parade begins at 10am from Pickerington Central.  All SCC participants should arrive around 9am for instructions. Park in the parking lot and look for the SCC float.  SCC peeps should wear an SCC shirt (Bring an extra SCC shirt if you have one to share)

NON-MELTING CANDY is needed to give away during the parade.  You can drop off a bag of candy in the foyer this week or bring it with you on Monday morning.  Thanks for your donation!

FCA Game Day…
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is hosting the first ever “FCA GameDay” at Pickerington North on Friday, Sept. 9th from 1pm – 4pm. Immediately following school on Friday, Sept. 9th, Pickerington North students will be invited to play video games, eat pizza and snacks, cheer and be challenged by a special guest speaker!

FCA has asked for our help. They have asked us to provide chips and cookies, as well as volunteers, both adult and high school students, to help with the event. If you are willing to help out monetarily or volunteer, contact Scott Stem ( or 614-920-4020) for more info.

Hope to see you this weekend!  Do you have plans for Sunday and Monday because of the holiday???  Come and worship with us Saturday night at 6 pm!


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