Thursday, August 11, 2011

Last E-NEWS to LCC

To the people of LCC:

This Sunday at LCC we will be saying goodbye after over 9 years of ministry together.  We are excited about what God has for us in our future, but at the same time we are very sad to leave you.  I will be preaching from one of my favorite passages this Sunday – Philippians 4.  The message is titled: WHY WORRY?

I am confident that God has great things in store for both my family and for Life Community Church.  I love the promises of God’s Word…especially Philippians 1:3-6 which says “Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

I want you to rest assured that things are under control and there is a solid interim plan in place upon my departure.  The board has been meeting tirelessly to ensure a smooth transition.  I have provided the board and the staff with as many details as possible to help in the process and I will remain a resource that is only a phone call or email away.  If you have any questions about what is happening in the church or about the process, email the board at any time:

Here are a few bullet points to bring you up to speed:
  • The SEARCH TEAM has been formed and will begin meeting this upcoming week.  They have already been reading the top 30-40 resumes (out of over 500).  These top candidates have already received a questionnaire from LCC and many have already completed this questionnaire.  There are some excellent candidates in the mix.  I personally am very excited about the potential of some of these guys.  I firmly believe that God is in complete control and there will be a great new lead pastor for LCC.
  • The PROCESS PLAN is aggressive.  The team desires to work as quickly as possible so that the interim period is as short as possible.  At the same time, they want to be thorough, so keep them in prayer.  Ideally, they would like to have the top candidate here to interview and preach by early October.  The church would then vote on this candidate the following week.  You’ll hear more details from the search team, but I just wanted you to know that things are happening!
  • INTERIM SPEAKERS are lined up.  LCC will be blessed with a variety of guest speakers over the next 2 months.  Each of these speakers will bring their unique style to our congregation and I’m sure you will be blessed by this variety during this time.
  • STEPPING UP…some of you should use this opportunity to step up your commitment to the church in attendance, giving and serving.  Now is a great time to make yourself available to do more for the kingdom.  Send an email to to find out how you can get more involved in serving.
  • POWER OF PRAYER…the most important thing you can do is to PRAY for the church at this time.  I want to encourage more of you to come out for the 10@10:10 gathering every Sunday morning in the library.  This is a dedicated 10 minutes of prayer together each week.

Please be there on Sunday if you are in town!  Don’t forget to COME EARLY because this is our MONTHLY COFFEE FELLOWSHIP with all kinds of tasty treats!  The coffee and refreshments are ready at 9:30 am.  I hope to see you then.


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